That was the subject of my last show, #WickedInsuranceMatterswithGregDurette, which is heard every Wednesday from 9:30 - 10:00am Eastern Time! Since we archive each show, you can listen to this episode right here:
With 32 years industry experience under my belt, I can say I am pretty confident in how to analyze the myriad of annuities available in the market.
I know it can be confusing for folks that choose to take a deep dive into the internet. The terms can be redundant, there are endless products names and countless features that all profess to be “The Best”..
This show tried to make sense of things by talking about:
ü The limiting features of the “old” style #annuities
ü What #annuitization really is and why you should avoid it
ü A brief overview of the categories of annuities
ü Benefits of modern day #FixedIndexAnnuities
ü How to #inflationProof your retirement income
ü How to completely eliminate the #risk of #MarketLoss
Annuities are powerful tools that look virtually nothing like the old style you may have heard about from your parents or grandparents.
These are sophisticated financial products with amazing consumer oriented benefits that can be found nowhere else.
You will never know if one is right for you unless you do what we call “Guided Research”. That is, talk with us and get a roadmap BEFORE heading out into the wilds of the internet. You will avoid many headaches and confusion, as well as, save yourself hours of dead-end searches.
So, why should you make listening to my show a regular part of your life. Simply put, it is designed to help folks avoid situations like this and offer true, legitimate and impartial information about things like:
· #LifeInsurance
· #Annuities
· #LongTermCare Insurance
· #Disability Insurance, etc.
I, along with some other expert guests, will explain the myriad of choices found with these products and how you can apply your new found knowledge to your life situations. Big things such as:
Ø #Retirement
Ø #Estate planning
Ø #College planning
Ø #Inheritance planning
Ø #Business applications
Ø #ElderFinancialAbusePrevention
Ø #SpecialNeeds planning and so much more
Water cooler conversation and what you heard from your cousin Vinny at the family picnic will simply not do.
Feel free to use our show as your #DirtyLittleSecret as to why you are the smartest insurance person in the room.
Many people are shy or embarrassed to ask questions insurance. They think they will look stupid or are the only ones that don’t know the answer.
Nothing could be further from the truth. EVERYONE needs expert information when it comes to the subject of #Insurance. Listen to our next show on How the Government is Helping You Buy Long Term Care Insurance on 10/21 and get informed.