<![CDATA[Future Secured Financial - Blog and Radio Shows]]>Tue, 21 May 2024 21:34:47 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Timing Gap Face Splat!]]>Tue, 27 Jun 2017 21:04:28 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/the-timing-gap-face-splatPicture
The Timing Gap.  You know…that little pause that happens right before you should have ducked but instead, took a face full of cream pie!  Three Stooges fans will know exactly what I mean. 

Unfortunately, the same sort of Timing Gap often happens when people know they should be positioning for a market correction and instead, wait just a little bit longer…hoping to wring every last penny out of the highs.  After all, no one wants to be the nervous Nelly that ducked when the pie was yet to be thrown, right?  Wrong!!! The reason why so many people lose at the market game is because they fail to understand the true impact of the Timing Gap.

What happens when the Timing Gap finds you a little late?  You get a full face splat of retirement income shortfall, and that doesn’t taste nearly as good as a crème pie.

So what is the Timing Gap, how do you recognize it and what can you do to reduce or eliminate its impact?
Well, these are all things that will be covered in my next show.  So tune in this Wednesday, 6/28/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version! Click, The Timing Gap Face Splat! and let the pie hit the ones behind you (again, Stooges fans get it!).


P.S.  I am going to continue to try and keep this short and sweet.  Hence, I am going to have only one commercial and should conclude no later than 15-20 minutes from the start.  Don’t be late or you will have only the recorded version to rely upon.

<![CDATA[The Lure of Sin City]]>Wed, 21 Jun 2017 04:52:54 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/the-lure-of-sin-cityPicture
The Lure of Sin City

With a remarkable regularity, people flock to the halls of Sin City to release themselves from the burdens of their hard earned money.  As I sit here in the hotel of a well-known hotel on the Las Vegas strip (yes, it is for business and yes, I am sticking to that story), I am stunned by the thousands upon thousands of people that travel to do that very thing.  Maybe it’s me.  Perhaps I just don’t get the seductive appeal of smoky rooms filled with machines and tables that devour money at a blinding pace.  Maybe they come for the 116 degree days.  For me it’s hard to know.

The reason is, with savings rates at an all-time low, a populace facing an epic numbers of under-funded retirees and looming entitlement cuts (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid), I have a hard time reconciling why so many folks sacrifice their otherwise conservative ways in a place specifically designed to take your money.

If someone offered you an investment with Vegas casino odds, you would laugh them out of the room.  It’s easy.  
Well, the time has come to get serious.  Enough play time.  Let’s talk about real solutions to real issues regarding savings, spending, retiring and your legacy.

Listen in live from the Vegas strip or get the recorded version.  The facts are there for you to benefit from.  You just need to embrace them and spread the word.  It will make you feel a whole lot better than a twirl of the roulette wheel.

Tune in this Wednesday, 6/21/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version! Click, The Lure of Sin City.


<![CDATA[The Media Are Stealing Your Money!]]>Tue, 13 Jun 2017 20:03:26 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/the-media-are-stealing-your-moneyPicture
The Media Are Stealing Your Money!

How can those buggers on the “news” reach out from behind the TV screen and get your wallet?  It’s easy.  With their big, flapping partisan mouths, that’s how! 

It’s true.  Every time one of these knucklehead “news” people goes out and bashes one political side or another, the markets move…and usually not in your favor…particularly if you are actually in the market still. 

So what can you do to keep yourself from being a financial victim of this never ending nonsense?  Well, the first good step would be to listen to my show.  I will address this issue head-on, tell you how it is happening in detail, give you some tips on how to profit from it and ultimately, stop it forever.

Sounds like a tall order.  We the people have the tools at our disposal to make our individual situations better.

So, tune in this Wednesday, 6/14/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version! Click, The Media Are Stealing Your Money!



​P.S.  I am going to continue to try and keep this short and sweet.  Hence, I am going to have only one commercial and should conclude no later than 15-20 minutes from the start.  Don’t be late or you will have only the recorded version to rely upon.

<![CDATA[Want to keep ALL the money you made in the market lately?]]>Tue, 09 May 2017 19:47:32 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/want-to-keep-all-the-money-you-made-in-the-market-latelyPicture
Want to keep ALL the money you made in the market lately?
I bet you do!  The question is, how to do it and still make money with the market without the risk of the market.  Hum…there is a twisty for the old noggin!
Not for my clients I say!  They all know how to do it and do it well they do.  Want to avoid that sick feeling when you go to bed at night and wonder what sort of world event is going to cause the market to “correct” and leave you with way less than you thought?  You know you do so just tune in and find out why I have the most well rested clients in the world. 
I know you think your 401k or mutual fund or CD are going to eventually pay you great rewards.  Maybe so…if properly attended to and the government does not go through with its plans for otherwise.
YES…this show will protect you from both a little known but very present program and, the whims of the market.  How can you lose?
So, tune in this Wednesday, 5/10/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version! Click, Want to keep ALL the money you made in the market lately?
P.S.  I have it on good authority you folks want to hear more facts and less blather.  I am not sure what part of my banter qualifies as blather but, pledge to make this particular show very concise and to the point.  Hence, there will only be one commercial and should conclude no later than 15-20 minutes from the start.  Don’t be late or you will have only the recorded version to rely upon.

<![CDATA[Do you want a TAX-FREE retirement?]]>Tue, 18 Apr 2017 20:13:55 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/do-you-want-a-tax-free-retirementPicture
Do you want a TAX-FREE retirement?

If your answer is yes (I can’t imagine anyone would say no) then I have the best ways to do that short of starting your own illegal drug cartel.  Plus, these techniques are legal and extremely well worn.  That means a ton of people are using these methods and you are missing out.  Good for them.  Not good for you.

Sound too good to be true?  I hate to disappoint but, they are true and you need to know about them as soon as possible.

My show will cover all the ways I know that make saving AND spending your money a tax-free journey only Uncle Sam could get upset about.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a free flowing supply of tax-free cash that doesn’t have all those pesky ink dye issues bank robbers need to deal with?  Of course…unless you like showing off all of your purple, marked serial number 20’s to local law enforcement.

Tune in this Wednesday, 4/19/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version! Click, Do you want a TAX-FREE retirement?.



<![CDATA[6 Things that Could Save Your Life (Real and/or Financial)]]>Tue, 11 Apr 2017 20:02:29 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/6-things-that-could-save-your-life-real-andor-financialPicture
6 Things that Could Save Your Life (Real and/or Financial)

I have a friend I just found out is going through a very difficult and expensive time.  It makes me sad and mad.  The sad part is obvious.  The reason I am mad is I could have made sure the expensive part of the equation was non-existent.

Why?  Because, had I made a big enough deal about a particular coverage that I sell, she might have actually had it before the difficulty beset her and her family.

Then I got to thinking…what other little known things that I do which are not widely known?  How many other friends and clients are unnecessarily suffering financially or otherwise because these things are just not known well enough?

This show aims to fix all that.  The 6 specific situations I will cover are:
  • How you can avoid paying exorbitant Long Term Care insurance premiums and still get coverage without government help
  • If you are a partner in a business, how you can buy out a partner if they become disabled instead of die or retire
  • How to make sure you have health insurance AND A WAY TO GET HOME if you get sick or hurt while out of the country on vacation or business
  • How to benefit from a fluctuating economy and get high guaranteed interest rates
  • How to get up to 9% interest and an immediate income from federal pensions (not your own)
  • How to use tax free money to fund college expenses that start on day one
These things exist and you need to know about them right now.  My apologies if you have had to wait this long to find out.  Some of my clients do know about some of them.  Everyone should know about all. 

Tune in this Wednesday, 4/12/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version and learn how! Click, 6 Things that Could Save Your Life (Real and/or Financial).



<![CDATA[How Politicians Can Make You Money]]>Tue, 04 Apr 2017 20:18:20 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/how-politicians-can-make-you-moneyPicture
How Politicians Can Make You Money

​Who wants to talk politics?  Okay, everyone can pull the forks out of your eyes now.  Would you want to hear about politics if I could show you how to make money from it?  How about if I can show you the very people you either love or hate (Republicans or Democrats), are hard at work making money for you and they don’t even know?!

This show will be the Holy Grail of anti-politics. The big question anyone that knows me is asking now is, “Can I avoid the 3rd rail in a conversation as potentially polarizing as this?”  I guess you will have to listen in to find out!

The main points I hope to engage will be:
  • The pros and cons of Republicans and Democrats
  • How to use Washington conflicts to better your retirement
  • The best techniques to make money no matter who is in power
  • How to win despite their best efforts to the contrary

Really, the theatre of politics is there for you to profit from…provided you know how. 

Tune in this Wednesday, 4/5/17 at 9:30am Eastern for the live show or anytime thereafter for a recorded version and learn how! Click, How Politicians Can Make You Money.


<![CDATA[The Secrets of How the Pro's Shop for Life Insurance]]>Tue, 28 Mar 2017 18:10:08 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/the-secrets-of-how-the-pros-shop-for-life-insurancePicture
The Secrets of How the Pro’s Shop for Life Insurance

Have you ever wondered why it is, you spend hours upon hours of searching online for what you think is going to be the best priced, most heavily researched life insurance quote available to humankind, only to find a 5 minute call to a true professional yields even better results?  How is that possible, you wonder.  The answer is…ah…you will have to listen in to find out!

Thankfully, this will not be a show about how we dress in funny uniforms and fly around like Superman (as cool as that would be if true!) while finding you the best insurance possible.  It will be a show that divulges so many industry secrets, I will probably have to go into the insurance witness protection program.  Heck, I am even going to be broadcasting from a hidden bunker in an undisclosed location just to get a head start on the hit squads!

In this show, I am going to divulge:
  • The secret pre-screen process used by pro’s to weed out the non-players
  • The secret quote tools used to shop hundreds of companies with one click
  • The secret process used to get companies to compete for your business
  • How pro’s can get nearly everyone coverage…regardless of age, health or income

Want to learn the super-secret insider tricks and techniques the pro’s use and how they can best be put to use by you…then tune in.  There’s no telling how long I will be on the air before “they” find and silence me! 

Click, The Secrets of How the Pro’s Shop for Life Insurance.


<![CDATA[Lessons I Learned About Money/Retirement/Family/Life While Learning to Fly]]>Tue, 21 Mar 2017 20:47:17 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/lessons-i-learned-about-moneyretirementfamilylife-while-learning-to-flyPicture
Have you ever wanted to learn to fly?  Well, this is not a discussion of my life flashing before my eyes as I fell through the air from the top of a pear tree (that really did happen).  The kind of flying I am talking about is actually voluntarily placing myself in a large piece of metal and coaxing it to leave the earth at my request, at a very high rate of speed, to a very high altitude.  Doesn’t sound too smart when you put it that way now, does it?!

Years ago, I did that very thing.  I decided I wanted to become a private pilot and set about getting properly trained to do so.  The interesting thing is, while I succeeded in becoming a licensed pilot, the training and continued discipline taught me much more about my business and life than I ever imagined. 
Flying is an inherently dangerous activity regardless of your planning.  So too is life.  However, scant little has been accomplished by anyone or anything (money) that remained locked away in a bunker.  The very act of living requires a certain amount of risk.  The level of which is decided upon and managed by each of us.

​In this show, we are going to talk about:
  • How your family is like a runway
  • What take-offs, landings and approach patterns have to do with retirement
  • Why a well-executed pre-flight check is required in all aspects of life
  • How devastating an untimely or unplanned departure can be on a successful flight and your financial security
I will also share some stories of a few of my more harrowing events that I survived (obviously) and some other fun anecdotes as well. 
Tune in this Wednesday, 3/22/17 at 9:30am Eastern or anytime thereafter and find out what it takes to get your wings! Click, Lessons I Learned About Money/Retirement/Family/Life While Learning to Fly.

<![CDATA[Your Grandparents Learned What You Should Never Forget]]>Tue, 14 Mar 2017 21:31:11 GMThttp://futuresecuredfinancial.com/blog-and-radio-shows/your-grandparents-learned-what-you-should-never-forgetPicture
Your Grandparents Learned What You Should Never Forget

I am not talking about the ability to recite all 50 State Capitols lest you feel the wrath of a ruler across your knuckles in class.  As remarkably effective a teaching tool that was for some, there were many other life lessons they learned that would serve us all to take stock in.

If time teaches us nothing but one thing it would be that it always marches on with each generation eschewing the old ways of the previous.  Yes, our grandparents grandparents were as frustrated with them as ours are with us.  Thus, being doomed to repeat bad history.  Naysayers would cry…OUR times have no relevance to the days of old.

Hah!  It may seem faster but, the elements of living, planning and dying are always the same.
So, are there things to learn?  Of course.  Let reminisce about the things of today.  You will be surprised how many you remember and how many you may have never learned (again) yet.

Tune in this Wednesday, 3/15/17 at 9:30am or anytime thereafter and let’s talk about why we always seem to have to re-learn the hard lessons the hard way time and time again?  Click, Your Grandparents Learned What You Should Never Forget.


