The fact of the matter is, these things are all real and they are all things that create a lot of questions and confusion. I remember my first time seeing a dancing blender and reading about grunting worms…don’t you? No?! What about the last time you dug in deep to what all the issues are approaching and actually being in retirement? I remember doing that, don’t you? No?! Well then, this show is for you.
Not only are we going to cover the dancing blenders and grunting worms, we are going to get into heady subjects like:
- How to avoid running out of money if you live too long (what a concept!)
- Healthcare considerations
- Insurance costs
- Housing expenses
- Taxes and the myths
- Your estate (a.k.a. your LEGACY)
If you are intrigued as to how the headline can fit into these serious subjects, just sit back, click the show headline below and listen in.
Wicked Insurance Matters with Greg Durette: What Do Dancing Blenders, Grunting Worms and Retirement Have in Common?
P.S. You can also get archived shows on and any of our social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook).