I actually had to deal with this very subject only a few days ago. Really. More on that during the show. So, what does this have to do with insurance, money, retirement, etc.?
Yes, you could call me a bit out there to think that it does but, in fact, it made me think of those very things. You see, life can be very unpredictable. One day you are out walking on a well-worn path past a beautiful pond in the woods and next, a Python lurches from the weeds hoping to make a family member its lunch.
The same is true for financial planning. Many folks feel the false comfort of a well-worn path. It seems safe, especially if so many others tell you so. But, if the unexpected were to occur, how would you even know how to adjust. Would the Python in the pond prove fatal, or would you have a response? Better yet, wouldn’t it be best to distance yourself from the threat before it became one?
In this show, I will get into some details about:
- The real story about my encounter with a 10ft Python in the wild
- What surprises await the unprepared
- What being financially unprepared does to people, families and businesses (real life stories)
- Ways to not be a victim to the Python in your pond
This is going to be a scarier version of any snake oriented movie you have ever seen since it is entirely centered on reality. Tune in on this most creepy of pre-Halloween shows!
To hear the show live, just click the headline below this Wednesday, 10/26/16 at 9:30am EDT or any time that suits you thereafter.
Wicked Insurance Matters Radio Show with Greg Durette: The Python in the Pond