Just click this show title and listen in!: Special Needs Planning Issues and Answers
I, along with my special guest, Juliane Dillon, Outreach Coordinator at the Kennedy-Donovan Center - Cape Cod Community Services, will explore some of the situations, challenges and solutions that are available to families in need as well as some of the key roles professionals in this field can help with that are often not discussed in the normal course of training. By the way, she can be reached at 508-385-6019 extension 125 or via email at [email protected].
We all know someone in our own family or someone close to us that is affected in some way by these issues. It is incredibly important this show be heard by as many people as possible to help get this invaluable information to them. As time allows, we will touch on:
- The challenges faced when a child turns 20 and 22.
- Do I need a special needs trust?
- Why inheritances are a potential time-bomb for benefits?
- Should social service professionals be aware of financial issues?
- Can I get life insurance for my special needs child or adult family member?
- How can I get the help I need from the agencies we use?
- and as many other issues as time will allow...
Also, please remember the show is archived on my blog so you can share it with as many people as possible even if you cannot listen live!
Take good notes and, if you find we did not cover your particular question or issue, reach out to me directly at 978-509-2941 or via email at [email protected].
You need to get the facts and get them right. Start by listening to the show and get professional advice from folks like us at #FutureSecuredFinancial. That can help you get started on your “Guided Research”.
FYI, you can find info about this upcoming show or any previous show on my blog at www.FutureSecuredFinancial.com , Twitter @GregDurette, LinkedIn at Gregory Durette and Facebook at Future Secured Financial.
There are also other videos YouTube at Future Secured Financial with Greg Durette. You can navigate to all these social media via my website too.
Please, feel free to call in with any questions you may have that you want heard on the air. The phone number to call in is 845-241-9956.
Please keep in mind, all shows are recorded so, if you miss one, just go to my blog to look it up and listen in. You can listen to last week’s show right here, Your Questions Answered.
The following week’s show (12/23/15) will be entitled, Christmas/Hanukkah – A Time to Take Stock and Not Go Broke!
Thanks and keep those show topic suggestions coming!