Non-Qualified v. Qualified money. Do I get a tax break for this type or that type of money? What are the differences between IRA/Roth IRA/401k/403b/SEP/Defined Benefit Pension? What does any of that stuff have to do with annuities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or even life insurance?!
These are some of the most common question I hear from clients all across the country, from every walk of life. These terms, plans and products are so commonly thrown around, it is a wonder anyone has any money left at all!
In this show, I hope to take a whack at simplifying all these things and with any luck will be able to answer questions like:
- How do all these different things work with each other?
- Which things can never be combined?
- How severely your taxes can be impacted by making one small mistake with one of these.
- And much more.
Take 30 minutes to arm yourself with knowledge and once and for all, let the mumbo jumbo clutter be cleared!