Now you spend the money you saved without ever taking in another paycheck. How long do you think your money will last? It had better outlast you or cat food could become your main dietary staple!
The fact of the matter is, people are living longer now than ever before, putting ever more pressure on those precious retirement resources. However, there is a way you can GUARANTEE you will never outlive your money…no matter how long you live.
Tune in this Wednesday, 2/10/16 at 9:30am (or anytime thereafter via podcast) by clicking here to hear this latest installment of Wicked Insurance Matters Radio Show with Greg Durette titled, How to Never Outlive Your Money.
We will discuss such topics as:
- The dangers your money will face in retirement
- The difference between accumulation v. distribution strategies
- How to GUARANTEE you will not outlive your income…regardless of how long you live
- How to inflation-proof your income in rising markets
- Avoiding the perils of market downturns in retirement
Listen, take notes and relax. Retirement should be stress free. We are going to show you how.