Over my 32 years in the industry, I have had the opportunity to not only learn a great deal about the available products but also, how to properly evaluate them and know the right people to work with in such endeavors.
This show covers:
- The different types of #life insurance available
- How each different type could impact your #future
- The very best ways to analyze each for your situation
- How certain types of life insurance are used as an #asset for retirement…not just death benefit
- The many unique #tax advantages of certain life insurances
- One clever technique used by many to create #TAXFREE retirement income
This show, I was fortunate to be able to have #SethLegatowicz as my guest. Seth is one of the country’s top experts in the life insurance industry. He has helped thousands of clients across the country find the best priced options on their life insurance. He has unique and powerful insights into the many uses of life insurance as a financial tool that reach far beyond simple #deathbenefit.
FYI, Seth’s direct contact info is email at [email protected] or telephone at 214-272-2769.
Life insurance can be a very confusing and consequently, paralyzing thing. Sometimes, the myriad of choices and reasons for getting it cause people to simply choose to avoid the subject altogether.
How unfortunate for those relying on you to have it when needed!
It is not rocket science to know no one has a crystal ball to foretell their own death. If we did, you could make the perfect decision just prior to death and avoid all those years of premiums…right?
There are 3 things to consider:
- You will get older (happens day by day)
- You will likely develop some sort of #health issues as you do
- You will die
I can guarantee two of those things will happen. With any luck, it will be 1 and 3. I can also guarantee two of those things will cause your premium to increase.
There was a client we had that, while relatively young (late 30’s), found himself in a #divorce. Since the life insurance he had was for the benefit of his spouse, he thought it would be best to let it lapse and get something cheaper later. Since he was in excellent health, he thought it would be the smart thing to do.
As it turned out, it wasn’t. Within 6 months he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The ability to get insurance now and for many years to come would now be zero. Even then, when he would somewhat qualify, the cost would be through the roof.
He has since beat the cancer but, is now living with the stress of knowing his two teenage children will be on their own for things like college, cars, even housing, should his cancer return or worse.
Those 3 considerations are most commonly thought of as taking the course of number 1 followed long after by number 3. That is not always the case. The likelihood is all three will occur.
My show is designed to help folks avoid situations like this and offer true, legitimate and impartial information about things like:
- #LifeInsurance
- #Annuities
- #LongTermCare Insurance
- #Disability Insurance, etc.
I, along with some other expert guests, will explain the myriad of choices found with these products and how you can apply your new found knowledge to your life situations. Big things such as:
- #Retirement
- #Estate planning
- #College planning
- #Inheritance planning
- #Business applications
- #ElderFinancialAbusePrevention
- #SpecialNeeds planning and so much more
Water cooler conversation and what you heard from your cousin Vinny at the family picnic will simply not do.
Feel free to use our show as your #DirtyLittleSecret as to why you are the smartest insurance person in the room.
Many people are shy or embarrassed to ask questions insurance. They think they will look stupid or are the only ones that don’t know the answer.
Nothing could be further from the truth. EVERYONE needs expert information when it comes to the subject of #Insurance. Listen to our next show on Why Annuities get a Bad Rap at Wicked Insurance Matters with Greg Durette on 10/14/15 and get informed.