This was the subject of my last show, #WickedInsuranceMatterswithGregDurette, heard every Wednesday from 9:30 - 10:00am Eastern Time!
This show, which can be heard here: Avoiding Legal/Financial Pitfalls
will help you understand:
- How to avoid the number one estate planning mistake
- Why one size planning does not fit all
- How mistakes in planning could mean years of heartache and headache for your family
- Why inheritances can mess up certain members of your family
I was fortunate to have had attorney Richard Scarano as my special guest this week to discuss this very thing. Born and raised in Boston, he attended the prestigious Boston Latin School and later went on to earn his Bachelors, Master's and Juris Doctorate degrees. First a school teacher (high school, undergraduate and graduate), he later pursued the practice of law, with concentrations in Estate Planning and Real Estate. His teaching background serves him and his clients well as he is able to take otherwise complex issues and make them easy and fun to understand.
As one of the partners at Holmgren Koretz Scarano in Osterville, MA, Rich makes the heavy lifting of building a great legal and financial team easy. He can be contacted at (508) 420-8899
In my 32+ years in the insurance industry, I have had the good fortune to work with many legal professionals. Most are good. Rich is one of the very best because he understands people and their issues. He even makes house calls!
EVERYONE needs expert information when it comes to the subject of #Insurance and #EstatePlanning. Listen in and get informed.