Besides being the year the greatest radio show on earth was launched (you know, Wicked Insurance Matters Radio Show with Greg Durette, of course), it would be safe to say it was an interesting and challenging year for our country and the world, to say the least.
We saw the "JV" team rise to a global threat while non-politicians stole the thunder from seasoned veterans. We saw the stagnation of Wall Street and the economy heralded by certain "journalists" and pundits as the great recovery. Riots, natural disasters, and "lone wolf" attacks seem to be the new normal.
To recap these events and many others, as well as connect the dots on how all these things make a difference in your ability to earn save and retire, tune in this Wednesday, 12/30/15 from 9:30-10:00am EDT and listen to the show titled, 2015…The Year in Review!
I will do my very best to get in as many of the events that shaped our year as time allows. With any luck, we may even learn a thing or two about what we can do in 2016 to make things even better for ourselves and our families.
I look forward to your ears.
Happy New Year!