They say hardest part of getting old is having to live through it. I say, it sure beats the alternative! Although, the longer you live, the more you will have to endure the political theater of presidential elections. Again, still beats the alternative.
The point of this show will not be to give you any of my opinions as to which candidate you should vote for. I will mention political parties but only in the context of how certain financial attitudes have been recorded in polls. Since this is the season of the polls leading you to the polls, I thought I would drop in a set of financial facts, attitudes and behaviors that you may relate to.
After all, who among us cannot relate to concerns regarding:
- Why we live longer but, may not want to
- What role debt plays in a financially successful retirement
- What is the #1 biggest expense few even consider in retirement
- What the number one fear of retirees vs. millennials is about retirement
- And of course, all the polls/surveys one can fit into 18 scary facts!
To hear the show live, just click the headline below this Wednesday, 11/2/16 at 9:30am EDT. You can also listen anytime thereafter by clicking the headline below.
Wicked Insurance Matters Radio Show with Greg Durette: 18 of the Scariest Facts You Should Take to the Polls